Let’s consider a bike rider. If the cyclist increases their ability to produce force, then all else being equal they can maintain the same speed as before, but by using less of their total strength capacity. Therefore increasing strength results in an increase in endurance.

The use of strength is evident across the entire spectrum of human activity. All activity involves the application of force against a resistance. It is self-evident that a task can be performed more effectively if the force applied is either at a greater maximal level or a submaximal level that allows longer duration.

Consider a range of everyday activities such as relocating a fridge, executing a tackle on an opponent, twisting a lid, hammering a nail, chopping wood or simply or standing up from a chair, all of these everyday tasks use strength. A stronger person can achieve a greater number of tasks and more demanding activities than a weaker person.

There is a clear difference between exercise and training, you train to increase strength, at best exercise can merely maintain a current level of strength. If your goal is to increase strength you must train. Preconceived expectations about routines and practices in a gym may lead the uninitiated into expecting a range of exercises that focus around “cardio” or some other concept, these routines are in fact exercises that consume time, effort and money but do not contribute to development of strength, it is a misallocation of these resources.


  • The point is strength, and significant increases in strength are only obtained by training
  • The physical stress stimulated by training is carefully calculated and is organised to fulfil a long term plan,
  • Achieve a specific performance related goal in the future, and
  • Aims to maximise the return on invested time, money and energy


  • Physical stress implemented for an immediate effect
  • Spending time, money and energy for the immediate result of feeling hot, sweaty, tired and out of breath


More About Canberra Strength Training